About the coin

Coin for Africa is the first international charity community coin to work for peace and provide humanitarian aid required on the African continent! Nobody should be in the position of not being able to afford food or medicine for them and their families. You can help! In fact, we all can help and make the world a better place. That’s why out of every transaction, 5% are going to be donated to African charity organizations! For further information, please check out our social media. On there we post the latest news and milestones we achieved, you also have the chance to interact with the team and ask all the questions you might have. Have fun with this amazing project and enjoy our journey to a better tomorrow. 


Total supply: CFA
LP locked for two years


We put a lot of work in our goals to make the world a better place. On the roadmap, you find our future steps as well as the goals we already achieved.

Stage 1 Official website launch
  • First partnership announcement
Stage 2 (October 01, 2021) Fairlaunch of CFA
  • Big marketing campaigns
Stage 3 Coingecko listing
  • First charity campaign
Stage 4 5.000 holder
  • CMC listing
  • Price is going to be displayed on Trust Wallet
  • Bigger marketing push
  • Implementation to buy with your credit card
Stage 5 20.000 - 30.000 holder
  • First big community - event / giveaway
  • Big charity campaign for Africa
  • Build our own water well in Africa
  • Buy medicine
Stage 6 70.000 - 100.000 holder
  • Listing on many different exchanges
  • Get as many charity oriented partnerships as possible with big players like UNICEF, Greenpeace or Menschen in Not
  • Build even more water wells in areas where needed
  • Buy 10 tons of food for those in need
  • Buy even more medicine


Our developers work with passion and love on this project to make the world a little bit better

Developer / CEO


Developer / CEO

I’m Michael, 28 years old and born in Berlin City. I used to be a Soldier in the German military, nowadays I work as a useful chef in a hotel. During my career, I also worked with disabled people in a workshop for more than two years.

My jobs and the way I chose to live life showed me the beauty of nature as well as the beauty in human. Now I want to make that experience and the memories count and put a lot of effort into my new Project. I do not judge people because of their skin color, religion or origin. I want to show people with this project that if we all work together nobody can beat us and that it does not matter who you are and where you are from as long as you never stop dreaming of a better tomorrow. Hit me up in my inbox if you got any questions.

Developer / Marketing


Developer / Marketing

Hi, my name is Claudio, I'm 41 years old and from Austria. I've been active in the crypto industry since 2015, although my main focus has always been on marketing.

What fascinates me most about this project is the humanitarian factor, which we have unfortunately lost in recent years. Let's make the world a little bit better

Admin & Mod

Webdesign / Mod


We are very happy to announce, that we are now an official partner of Uluru Finance. We are working hand in hand to support us in our goals as well as charity thoughts in the best possible way.

    Uluru Finance

Frequently asked questions

Below you'll find all important answers about us, our project and our vision. If you have any further questions, please get in touch using the contact form.

What are BEP-20 Coins?

BEP-20 is an extension of ERC-20 which is the most popular token standard on the Ethereum Blockchain. Similarly, BEP-20 is the token standard on the Binance Smart Chain. It is a technical specification that defines who can use tokens, who can spend them, and other related details. The primary motto behind launching this specification was to facilitate developers in developing a range of tokens. These tokens can represent shares of a company as well as the amount stored in a bank account or anything of similar nature. The transactions of tokens are included by the validators, who are incentivized by BNB.

A liquidity pool is a collection of funds locked into a smart contract. It is used to facilitate decentralized trading, lending, and many other functions.

Slippage is the difference between the expected price of a trade and the actual price of the trade at execution. Slippage becomes more likely when there is a higher level of volatility in the market. It is also more common when large orders are triggered while there is not enough volume at the selected price to maintain the current bid/ask spread. The bid/ask spread refers to the difference between the ask and bid prices of an asset at any given time.

Always use ONLY our official channels. Our team will NEVER DM you to ask about anything. Be EXTREMELY suspicious about anyone with an offer to help, airdrop or generally asking you personal information. NEVER give out such information, block and report those persons immediately.

What ist Coin for Africa, what is your project about?

Coin for Africa is the first international charity community coin to work for peace and provide humanitarian aid required on the african continent! Nobody should be in the position of not being able to afford food or medicine for them and their families

Fairlaunch of CFA will be on October 01, 2021. At this time, you'll be able to buy our coin on Pancakeswap. Detailed information will be announced in a timely manner.

On our social media channels, primarily on Telegram, but we are also active on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. You can find the corresponding links on our website.

What does charity mean to you, what do you want to achieve?

We don't want to be just one of many coins, we want to make a difference. We want to change something and help all the people in Africa who are affected by hunger or lack of medicine.

Not at this point, but we're working every day to build partnerships. We are currently in contact with UNICEF and Safethechildren and are very sure that we will soon be able to announce the first collaborations.

5% of every transaction will be donated to our partners or other charity organizations and we will make sure that every cent goes where it is so desperately needed.

Contact us

You may contact us at any time if you have questions, suggestions or even criticism about our project.

  • Join us on Telegram